Emraan Hashmi is currently shooting for his upcoming film Ground Zero in Kashmir. Recently, there were reports of the actor being injured in a stone pelting incident on the set of the action film. Putting rumours to rest, Emraan tweeted that the reports are inaccurate.
Today, Emraan tweeted, "The people of Kashmir have been very warm and welcoming, it has been an absolute joy shooting in Srinagar and Pahalgam. The news of me being injured in a stone pelting incident is inaccurate."
The people of Kashmir have been very warm and welcoming, it has been an absolute joy shooting in Srinagar and Pahalgam. The news of me being injured in a stone pelting incident is inaccurate .
— Emraan Hashmi (@emraanhashmi) September 20, 2022
As per reports, a person was arrested today for allegedly pelting stones at the film crew of Ground Zero in the Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir. Reportedly, the miscreant pelted stones at the crew members after the day's shoot was wrapped in the evening on September 18.
Emraan plays the role of an army officer in Ground Zero as reported exclusively by PeepingMoon.com on July 22. It sees him on a deadly mission in the conflicted area of Kashmir. Marathi filmmaker Tejas Vijay Deoskar is directing it whereas Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani's Excel Entertainment is producing it.
(Source: Twitter)