Yami Gautam is the latest celebrity who has spoken about the paparazzi culture these days and how it’s not restricted only to the media any more. She spoke about the privacy breach of celebs post the recent incident with Alia Bhatt, where the actress was clicked at her home in her own living room without her consent. Aloa called out the media publication for the privacy breach and gained a lot of support from fellow celebs who bashed the online portal. Yami said that she had encountered a similar incident in her hometown in Himachal Pradesh when a young teenage boy had requested a photo with her but instead started recording her.
Yami recounted an uncomfortable incident in her own hometown in Himachal Pradesh when she was at her grandmother’s place, after her death and had wanted to visit her uncle. She said during an interview to Puja Talwar, “I was in a different space altogether, and that was the last place I was expecting people to be standing with cameras in their hands. When I was leaving, they asked me to pose with my folks who had come to see me off. I was really not in the zone to be posing, it felt really uncomfortable. I understand this is their job, but there has to be a line.”
The actress recalled another incident from her home state when a teenager had requested a photo but went on to create a video and later posted it online as a vlog which was viewed by millions of people. She said, “Aaj kal koi aise le k video bana raha hoga (These days anyone can record a video anytime, without consent). Some boy came on my farm, a very young boy, a teenager who must be 19-20, and requested my staff ‘can we take a picture’. I am very open, you know, welcoming people. It’s a small town and people wanna come and visit and talk. I am very happy to do that. I thought he is taking a picture, but he was taking a video. A video of… it was so bad, and that person apparently got millions of views, he’s celebrating his vlog…”
“It may seem I’m so happy mujhe comment mil gayi (I am getting a lot of comments/publicity) but that means that has encouraged that person to do it again with somebody,” the actor added. Puja quipped, “And encourage others to do it.” “Which they did. They all came back at home with cameras and they are taking a tour of my home. I am like ‘what is happening? Where are we going?’ You making this so normal for next generation. Absolutely there has to be a line drawn and everything is not okay. This is not okay,” Yami added.
(Source: Puja Talwar)