
From Kalki 2898 AD to Munjya: How special effects in Indian cinema are on par with Hollywood

Visual effects (VFX) have revolutionized storytelling in cinema, bringing fantastical and unreal elements to life on screen like never before. Recent Hindi films have showcased remarkable VFX, setting new standards comparable to Hollywood. Here are five recent Hindi films where the VFX is on par with Hollywood standards:

1. Munjya

Munjya showcases exceptional VFX work masterfully crafted by Prime Focus Group, blending seamlessly with the film’s narrative. The visual effects in this movie elevate its storytelling, creating an immersive experience that rivals Hollywood productions.

2. Kalki 2898 AD

Kalki 2898 AD is another best example of Indian cinema’s excellence in VFX. The film’s climax scene, meticulously crafted by Prime Focus Group, enhances its visual appeal and is comparable to some of the best Hollywood films.

3. Brahmastra

Brahmastra is a groundbreaking film in Indian cinema, known for its extensive use of VFX. The movie’s visual effects create a stunning fantasy world, demonstrating that Indian VFX can match Hollywood’s quality and creativity.

4. RRR

RRR is a monumental film with spectacular VFX. The movie’s special effects contribute significantly to its grand scale and action sequences, showcasing the technical prowess of Indian VFX artists and studios.

5. Bhediya
Bhediya features impressive VFX work, particularly in its transformation and supernatural scenes. The film’s visual effects are on par with Hollywood, enhancing the story’s fantastical elements and overall impact.

These films highlight how Indian cinema, particularly has made significant strides in visual effects, achieving a level of quality and innovation that stands shoulder to shoulder with Hollywood.
These films underscore the significant advancements in Indian cinema's VFX capabilities, demonstrating a level of quality and innovation that stands proudly alongside Hollywood.

