
Survivors defend Netflix’s IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack amid controversy over hijacker codenames

The Netflix show IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack has stirred up some controversy with how it portrays the hijacking of an Indian Airlines flight in 1999 especially when it comes to using Hindu codenames for the Muslim hijackers. In response to this debate Rakesh and Pooja Kataria, survivors of the hijacking have stepped forward to confirm that the show’s depiction is true to life.

During a conversation with India Today TV the Katarias who were newlyweds coming back from their honeymoon in Nepal when the hijacking occurred endorsed the way the series depicted events. Rakesh Kataria mentioned that the hijackers did use false identities, including names but stressed that Netflix did not invent this aspect. "Those weren't their actual names, just aliases. Netflix did not make up the names. The five hijackers were Muslim, but two used Hindu codenames. This is not made up, Netflix has tried to show the truth," He mentioned that he decided against watching the show to spare himself from reliving the painful memories.


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Pooja Kataria shared her husband’s feelings saying that the hijackers used the names ‘Bhola’ and ‘Shankar’ and she found the show’s portrayal to align with their own experiences during the incident. She noted that while the series portrayed the events on the flight it placed more emphasis on the political talks between the hijackers and the Indian government instead of delving into the interactions among the passengers.

Looking back at the hijacking Pooja remembered that out of the 26 couples coming back from Nepal including Rachna and Rupin Katyal (the latter being killed by the hijackers) many passengers initially downplayed the seriousness of the situation. She mentioned that the series depicted the event accurately. Pooja also shared how one of the hijackers known as Doctor delivered speeches encouraging passengers to embrace Islam which influenced some individuals.

On December 24, 1999 Indian Airlines flight IC 814 was hijacked shortly after taking off from Kathmandu. The plane was redirected to Amritsar for refuelling then flown to Dubai before ultimately landing in Kandahar, Afghanistan. In the days that followed there were negotiations between the Indian government and the hijackers that eventually resulted in the hostages being released. The Netflix series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack has reignited interest in this tragic event sparking discussions about how the hijackers are depicted and the sensitivity surrounding their identities.
