
Anubhav Sinha stands firm amid controversy over Netflix series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack

Director Anubhav Sinha has spoken about the controversies related to his Netflix series IC 814 The Kandahar Hijack stating that he doesn't hold himself accountable for the series reception. The show has come under fire for allegedly downplaying the terrorist’s religion and portraying inaccuracies which has led to significant discussions on social media. Nevertheless, during a recent chat with Mukesh Chhabra Sinha conveyed that he is not bothered by the criticism.

In response to the varied reactions to IC 814 Sinha remarked, “It’s confusing. On one side, there’s a lot of love, and on the other, there’s crap When the filmmaker was asked if he felt any accountability for the uproar he responded honestly, “No, I don’t take myself that seriously. I just want to do my job with sincerity and hard work. I loved the story, and that’s why I did it. The rest is up to the universe.”

The show draws inspiration from the book Flight Into Fear The Captains Story written by Devi Sharan and Srinjoy Chowdhury. It tells the story of the notorious hijacking of Indian Airlines Flight IC 814 by five terrorists in December 1999. Controversy emerged when the characters names in the series Shankar and Bhola differed from the hijacker’s actual names leading to claims of misrepresentation. In response to the criticism Netflix included a disclaimer to address any misunderstandings after receiving a notice from the Ministry of Information Broadcasting.

Amidst the commotion surrounding it IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack has garnered acclaim from critics who have praised its narrative and acting. Although the initial controversy cast a shadow over the shows debut positive feedback has since played a role in solidifying its reputation.
