
Remix trend threatening creativity, says AR Rahman: Voices concerns over AI usage for Music

These days a trend is being seen in Bollywood. Now on an average, it is being seen in films that old songs are being released again by adding new music to them. Now, famous music composer AR Rahman has made a big disclosure about these things. He has said that changing songs and giving them a new look without anyone's permission can never be a good thing.

Rahman, who has been giving great music in films for almost 30 years, said that the work of any artist is a part of his hard work and creativity, and before remixing or presenting it in a new way, it is necessary to take permission from that artist. You cannot take a song from a film and put it in another film and present it by calling it 'reimagining'. You should take permission from that artist. You can share it on social media, but it should not be brought into the mainstream at a professional level. Rahman said that many famous songs of recent times, such as "Humma Humma" and "Muqabla", have been remixed and presented in new films in recent years. However, Rahman does not agree with this and believes that the work of the original artist should be respected in these remixes. According to him, remixing any composition should not mean that its originality is ignored by presenting it in a new form. The hard work of the real singers should be respected.

Apart from this, Rahman also expressed his concern about the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). He believes that the misuse of AI can pose a threat to music and this can also affect the jobs of artists. He said, "The biggest danger of AI is that people can use it to copy the style of a musician and the real musician does not get fair compensation for it.

We should pay attention to this, because this can raise big issues of ethics." Although Rahman himself uses AI, he clarified that he only uses it to improve the quality of songs, such as during mastering. Rahman said, "AI can help in mastering, but creating a tune requires human heart and mind. In the future, such real artists will be appreciated who present their music with heart."
