Director of the film Gadar 2 Anil Sharma recently revealed in an interview that there was a dispute between him and actress Ameesha Patel during the film. This dispute came to light after the release of the film and there was some tension between the two about this. Anil Sharma said that Ameesha Patel was worried about playing the character of 'Sakina' in the film, especially when she was told that this time her character would be that of Jete's (the role played on the hot seat) mother-in-law.
Anil Sharma revealed in a conversation with Siddharth Kannan that Ameesha's only condition was that she did not want to play the role of mother-in-law, as she felt it was not suitable for her. However, with time Ameesha accepted the role and agreed to work in the film.
Anil Sharma further elaborated that Sakina's character in Gadar 2 was not as big and important as it was in the first part. He also said that it is important to understand the change in age and society. When an actress has played the role of a son's mother in a film, it is natural that in the next part she will have to play the role of that son's mother-in-law. Giving an example, he said, "Nargis Dutta ji played the role of a mother in her younger years in Mother India. This shows that an artist should show flexibility in his work."
Anil Sharma also said that today's actors believe that they should avoid certain roles to maintain their brand, but real actors are those who are ready for any challenging role. Ameesha Patel was also affected by this notion, but with time she understood it and resolved the issue.