Shruti Haasan has recently shared some interesting things about her career and fashion. She said that she is interested in many things and also has a very special approach to her fashion. She is often seen in slightly muted or dull colors on social media and elsewhere, and she herself has told the reason behind this.
In a conversation with Pinkvilla, Shruti Haasan said that she is more interested in women's colors than men's colors. Her favorite colors include gray, navy blue, army green and muddy brown. Shruti said that she is attracted to light and muted colors. However, if she has to wear a bright color, she only likes red. Shruti Haasan says that she always prefers to wear dark colors. She believes that such colors match her personality. Shruti is often seen in both western and traditional clothes, which is a great example of her fashion sense.
Apart from this, Shruti also spoke a bit about her marriage and dating life. She said, "I don't know. I love relationships, I love romance. I love to be involved with someone, but I can never say never." Shruti also revealed that recently someone introduced her and her alleged partner Anmol Ratan, but she did not confirm it.