Star Plus' show 'Anupama', starring Rupali Ganguly in the lead role, has been in the headlines for some time now. The show has been a favorite of the audience for the last four years and has consistently remained number one in the TRP charts. But recently, the audience has got angry over a scene from this show and the makers of the show have also been accused of spoiling Indian culture. Let's know what is the matter.
Recently, a romantic scene from the show 'Anupama' is going viral on social media. In this video, Rahi and Prem are shown getting romantic under a blanket. As soon as this scene went viral, people criticized it fiercely. Some people termed the show as B-grade and said that now TV shows are also becoming like OTT platforms. Commenting on this video, a user wrote, "These Rajan Shahi and the actors of the show are bent on spoiling our culture together." Another user said, "There should be censorship on TV shows, it is really very important." The third user wrote, "Rupali Ganguly's show will now gain TRP by showing such scenes, not by content. This scene is really very bad."
Let us tell you that the producer of the show, Rajan Shahi, has been a victim of criticism before as well. He is accused of removing the artists from the show without informing them. Recently, due to some controversies, many artists bid goodbye to the show, although the clear reason behind this is not yet known. At the same time, Rupali Ganguly has also been in the headlines for many reasons this year. Actually, her stepdaughter had made many serious allegations against her. After this, Rupali had sent a legal notice to her stepdaughter Isha and demanded compensation of Rs 50 crore from her.