Actress Tanaaz Irani, who won the hearts of the audience with her acting ability in TV and Bollywood, is in a lot of discussion these days about her personal life. Tanaaz, who acted in films like Kaho Naa Pyar Hai, Hamara Dil Aapke Paas Hai and Main Prem Ki Deewani Hoon is now in a wheelchair. Recently, the actress talked about the painful journey during her hip replacement surgery, after which her condition worsened. Let's know what she said.
Recently in a podcast Inner Habit Tanaaz said that in 2021 she started having problems walking, due to which she could not understand whether it was just a problem or it was happening due to weight gain. After this she decided to seek help from a chiropractor. But her condition deteriorated so badly that she started having difficulty even getting up.
Tanaaz said, "I was not able to get out of it. I felt that the weight had increased too much, so I joined MMA, but this made the problem worse. I did not understand what was happening, but the situation was getting worse. Then there came a time when I could not even stand in the kitchen and cook food. Then I realized that something was going very wrong." Tanaaz further said that she underwent treatment for three months and her back problem was cured, but she was not able to put weight on her legs, due to which she became lame. Tanaaz said, "I would take my leg out and then put it in. This was a movement that I had mastered so quickly that anyone could feel that something was going wrong. It got worse. However, being an actress, I did not want to give up." After this, she had to undergo hip surgery, after which one leg became longer than the other. The actress said that after seeing this, it felt as if the will to live life was over.