Another controversy has arisen in Bollywood. Recently, Mika Singh has come into controversy due to one of his statements. Mika Singh had given a statement about KRK that Kapil Sharma wanted to kill him and for this Kapil had also taken help from Mika. Now KRK has given his reaction on this matter and put forward his side.
Recently, in an interview with Lallantop, Mika Singh had revealed that KRK is his neighbor in Dubai. Mika told that Kapil Sharma was so angry about a statement of KRK that he went to KRK's house and created a lot of ruckus there. KRK shared a video on social media and slammed Mika Singh fiercely. He called Mika a donkey, boor and bad manners and said that he calls himself a singer, while he is not educated. KRK further said, "Mika says we met in Dubai and he misbehaved with me. The next day he says he doesn't remember what happened. He is right, he kept calling me for several days to meet me, so I called him home."
KRK further said, "He did not come even after promising. Then I asked his manager, then I came to know that Mika was scared that I would kidnap him. Now what will I do by kidnapping him? He is nobody." KRK also said that Mika's manager had asked him to come to the hotel, and Honey Singh was also in that hotel. Honey Singh had a big suite, while Mika's room was small. After this, Mika called KRK on his show, but KRK made an excuse that he had some other meeting and he left from there.