Akshay Kumar's niece Simar Bhatia is all set to make a striking entry in Bollywood with her debut film 'Ikkis'. Within her maiden film, the aspiring actress will be seen sharing the screen space with Agastya Nanda and the legendary actor Dharmendra. Ahead of Simar Bhatia's debut, Akshay Kumar took to his social media handle to share a warm post and extend support to his niece.
The 'Sky Force' actor dropped a snippet of a leading newspaper, featuring Simar Bhatia. Along with it, he penned a sweet caption that read, "I remember the first time I saw my photo on the cover of the newspaper. I thought that’s the ultimate happiness. But today I know the happiness of seeing your child’s photo here beats everything. I wish my mom was here today and she would have said ‘Simar puttar Tu tah Kamaal hai’. Bless you my baby, the sky is yours."
As soon as Akshay Kumar shared the post, several users flooded his comment section with love. One user wrote, "Everything about this is perfect ", while another wrote, "Yeh toh next-level adorable hai ♥," and many more praises followed.
Helmed by ace filmmaker Sriram Raghavan, 'Ikkis' promises to be a grand spectacle that will showcase debutant Simar Bhatia in an exciting role. The stunning youngster has always been eager to pursue a career in films and is now all set to impress the audience with her acting chops.