TV actress Sana Khan has become a mother for the second time. She gave birth to her second son on January 5 and shared this good news through her social media account. Sana posted a video on this special occasion and also expressed her feelings with it.
Sana wrote in the caption of the video, "Whatever Allah Taala has written in our fate, happens. When the time comes, Allah gives us that and when he gives, he fills our life with happiness." Sana's post was liked a lot by her fans and they filled it with congratulations. One fan wrote, "Masha Allah, Bahut Bahut Mubarak Ho." Another fan wrote, "May you get lots of happiness, Mubarak Ho."
Sana Khan, who appeared in the show Bigg Boss, has also been a part of the film industry. However, now she has distanced herself from acting and is spending time with family. Sana married Mufti Anas Saeed on 21 November 2020 in Surat and said goodbye to the film industry after marriage. Sana is now completely busy taking care of her husband and family.
Sana and Anas had their first child, Syed Tahir Jameel, in July 2023. Now, in 2024, they have welcomed their second child. The news of Sana becoming a mother for the second time is a happy occasion for her fans, and she is receiving congratulations on social media.