Actor Gurcharan Singh, who plays 'Roshan Singh Sodhi' in the TV show 'Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah', is hospitalized. Recently, the actor shared an emotional video from the hospital bed, in which he said that his condition has worsened. However, he did not reveal why he was hospitalized.
In the video shared on Instagram, the actor thanked his fans for their love and support. Despite being in the hospital, he wished his fans on Guru Govind Singh Jayanti. However, he did not reveal the reason for his hospitalization, but said that his condition has worsened recently. He said in the video, "The condition has worsened a lot." Sharing this video, the actor wrote in the post, "On the occasion of Guru Parv, Guru Sahib Ji gave me a new life. Thank you Guru Sahib Ji. I express my heartfelt gratitude and respect to all of you. It is the grace of Guru Sahib Ji that I am alive today and standing in front of you all. Thank you everyone. May God bless and Waheguru keep you blessed."
A fan wrote on the actor's video, 'Get well soon, wish you good health.' Another user wrote, 'Sir, I am watching your show right now.' Another user wrote, 'Get well soon like before, you are a great artist sir.' It is worth noting that actor Gurcharan Singh got a lot of recognition from 'Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah'. The actor suddenly went missing in April 2024, and after returning after 25 days, he said that he was on a 'spiritual journey' alone.