Ekta Kapoor recently shared a cryptic post on her Instagram story, in which she slammed non-professional actors for spreading misinformation about her show. Ekta's message was in response to a recent comment made by actor Ram Kapoor about her show "Bade Achhe Lagte Hain" in an interview.
Ekta Kapoor wrote on her Instagram story, "Non-professional actors should keep quiet from giving interviews about my show! Misinformation and false stories. This will go on till I say something... but there is dignity in silence." Though Ekta didn't name any actor, Reddit users believe that her message was about Ram Kapoor.
Ram Kapoor had recently said in an interview that he felt hesitant to kiss Sakshi Tanwar in "Bade Achhe Lagte Hain", and that the scene had a negative impact on the show's TRP. He said, "This scene was written by Ekta herself, and she told us to do this scene. I asked Ekta, 'Are you sure? This has happened for the first time on television, three generations watch the show together, so it was a big issue, but Ekta was sure that it should be done.' Then I took the green signal from my wife and told Sakshi, "Look, I will handle Ekta, if you have any problem then tell me."
The show 'Bade Achhe Lagte Hain' ran from 2011 to 2014 and was produced by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms. The show was based on Imtiaz Patel's Gujarati play "Patni". Ram Kapoor's comment was linked to Ekta Kapoor's Instagram post, and now it is being speculated that Ekta has directly responded to Ram Kapoor's comments through her social media post.