Kunika Sadanand recently spoke openly about her relationship with Kumar Sanu and made many shocking revelations. The actress claimed that she was in a relationship with famous singer Kumar Sanu for five years in the 90s. Kunika also said that Kumar Sanu's ex-wife Rita was very angry with their relationship. Not only this, Rita once broke Kunika's car in anger. Let us tell you that Kumar Sanu and Rita are divorced.
Kunika said in a conversation that she and Kumar Sanu were introduced during a shooting, which took place in Oti. At that time she was trying to establish herself in the acting world and Kumar Sanu had come to Oti for holidays with his sister and nephew. During this time, friendship and then relationship started between the two. Kunika told that at that time Kumar Sanu was facing a lot of problems in his personal life. There was tension between him and Rita. Once, under the influence of alcohol, Kumar tried to jump from a hotel window but Kunika saved him. After this incident, the two came closer to each other. Kunika claimed that after this, Kumar Sanu started living separately from Rita and their relationship also became stronger.
Kunikha also said that she was like a wife to Kumar Sanu and treated him like her husband. She also revealed that she was the one who made Kumar Sanu understand the importance of fitness and fashion when he was at the peak of his career. However, with time the relationship turned sour and the two separated. Kunika said that once Kumar Sanu's ex-wife Rita broke her car in anger due to delay in the matter of financial assistance for their children. According to Kunika, "Rita came outside my house and shouted and damaged my car. I understood her situation, she wanted money for her children and she was not wrong." After all these incidents, Kunika and Kumar Sanu's relationship ended. After this Kumar Sanu married Saloni.