Payal Kapadia's directorial venture 'All We Imagine as Light' has been in the news since its release. The film won the 'Grand Prix' award at the 77th Cannes Film Festival, and then also got nominated at the 82nd Golden Globes, although it could not get the award. After its release on OTT, Payal Kapadia is busy working on her next project. According to reports, Payal has shared an update about her upcoming film.
Payal Kapadia told that she has started writing her next film, which will be based on Mumbai. She said, "It is a bit hasty, but I am thinking of making two more films on Mumbai, and the idea is to make a trilogy in this way."
Kapadia also talked about the criticism of the technical quality of her film by filmmaker Jahnu Barua, who, as the head of India's Oscar committee, called Kapadia's film very poor from a technical point of view. On this, Kapadia said that she did not understand what he wanted to say and if they meet in the future, she would like to question him about this.
The Indo-French collaboration 'All We Imagine as Light' stars Kani Kusruti, Divya Prabha, Hridu Haroon and Chhaya Kadam in lead roles. The film won the Grand Prix Award at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival, apart from this it also won the Best International Feature Film Award from the New York Film Critics Circle and the Gotham Awards 2024. Apart from this, former US President Barack Obama included this film in his list of favorite films of the year. This film of Kapadia has not only made an international mark, but the audience is also curious about his next film.