Hyderabad's Nampally Court has given several reliefs to actor Allu Arjun in the stampede case during the premiere of the film 'Pushpa 2'. The actor was arrested last month, but later got bail. According to media reports, Allu Arjun has been exempted from attending Chikkadpally police station every Sunday. His lawyer had filed this application in the court for security reasons, which was approved by the court. Apart from this, he has also been allowed to travel abroad.
Let us tell you that on December 4, 2024, when Allu Arjun arrived at the Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad for the premiere of his film 'Pushpa 2', a huge crowd had gathered. As soon as the actor got out of his car and greeted the fans to meet them, the atmosphere deteriorated and a stampede broke out. A 35-year-old woman died in the incident, while her eight-year-old son was seriously injured, who is still hospitalized.
Following the incident, Allu Arjun was arrested on December 13, 2024 and was sent to judicial custody for 14 days. After the arrest, he got interim bail. Then on January 3, 2025, he got regular bail after appearing in the court via video conference. Earlier, the court had ordered him to report to the police station every Sunday, unless there is any other order.
Recently on January 7, 2025, Allu Arjun met the injured child in the hospital and wished him a speedy recovery. However, despite getting bail, Allu Arjun's legal troubles are not over yet. According to reports, police officials may file a petition against his bail.