Recently, in the Weekend Ka Vaar episode of "Bigg Boss 18", Salman Khan made a strong comment on the contestants. During this, he scolded Vivian Dsena, Karan Veer Mehra and Chum fiercely. Salman's anger was especially on Vivian. Talking to Vivian, Salman said that the people who supported Vivian during a recent task are no longer supporting him and are giving priority to others. Even before this, Salman was unhappy with Vivian's game and questioned his playing style.
After Vivian, Salman also reprimanded Karan Veer Mehra. Salman asked Karan whether he is playing his own game or playing for Chum. Karan replied to this by saying that whatever it is, both of them are in the top 5 and they are confident of their victory. Karan's confidence surprised Salman as well.
After Karan, Salman also reprimanded Chum for his behavior in the task. Chum listened to Salman's words calmly, but his attitude was clear that he was not ready to improve himself.
"Bigg Boss 18" is now nearing its finale and the audience is eager to know who will become the winner of this season. Currently, Vivian Dsena and Karan Veer Mehra are considered to be the strongest contenders. Both the TV actors are very popular among the audience due to their huge fan following.