When Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor stepped out for some work in Mumbai yesterday, the paparazzi captured her mobile wallpaper in their camera. The wallpaper showed a picture of a person with Shraddha, about which fans are constantly speculating who that special person could be.
Shraddha's wallpaper is being discussed on social media, not Shraddha Kapoor herself. Fans are curious about who could be the person whose picture Shraddha has put on her mobile wallpaper. The wallpaper shows a close-up of a person, with whom Shraddha's picture is also visible, and fans are constantly commenting on it.
Regarding this special picture, some fans believe that this person could be Shraddha's alleged boyfriend Rahul Modi. Shraddha Kapoor was seen in a casual look during this time, in which she wore a pink jacket, blue leggings and flats. She was seen without makeup and her hair was tied. When Shraddha was walking towards her car, her mobile wallpaper was clearly visible, in which her picture with a boy was clearly visible.
Shraddha's fans are constantly commenting on her wallpaper. Many fans say that this picture could be of none other than her alleged boyfriend Rahul Modi. In December last year, Shraddha shared a picture of her evening walk with Rahul Modi on her Instagram story. She wrote in the caption of this post, "Can I always force you to eat Vada Pav?" and also tagged Rahul. Now Shraddha's fans are making many speculations about this picture, and this issue has become a topic of discussion on social media.