The film 'Sky Force' is going to be released in theaters very soon. Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar will be seen in the lead role in this film. Also, Veer Pahariya is making his debut in Hindi cinema through this film. The film is directed by Abhishek Anil Kapoor and Sandeep Kewlani. The film will hit the theaters on January 24. It is based on a true incident, which will showcase the story of bravery of the brave soldiers of the Indian Air Force. Recently the trailer of the film was released, after watching which Veer Pahariya’s brilliant acting has impressed the audience a lot. Veer Pahariya has played the role of Squadron Leader Ajjamada B. Devaiah in the film. Let's know who he was.
Squadron Leader Ajjamada B. Devaiah was a courageous pilot of the Indian Air Force. He was appointed as a pilot in the Indian Air Force in 1954. During the 1965 Indo-Pak War, he was employed as an instructor at the Air Force Flying College. He was posted in No. 1 'Tigers' Squadron. He carried out many important missions with his bravery.
In the 1965 war, Devaiah, as a senior flight instructor, became part of an attack mission, which was to attack Pakistan's Sargodha air base. One day Pakistani pilot Flight Lieutenant Amjad Hussain intercepted Devaiah’s plane. Devaiah showed great courage while escaping this attack and attacked back, as a result of which he shot down the enemy plane. However, his plane was also damaged in this attack. After this, it was believed that Devaiah was martyred on Pakistani soil, but his body was never found.
Ultimately, 23 years later in 1988, he was awarded the Mahavir Chakra posthumously. He is the only officer of the Indian Air Force to receive this prestigious award posthumously. Devaiah's valor and sacrifice will always be remembered in the history of the Indian Air Force and the country. Now efforts are being made to take his story to more people through the film 'Sky Force'. Recently, the film's actor Veer Pahariya met Devaiah’s family, and his photos are going viral on social media.