During a conversation on the YouTube channel of Hindi Rush, Mukesh Khanna shared an interesting incident related to an advertisement. He said that in an advertisement, he had to apply perfume and women were getting attracted to it. He was instructed to make people stare at him after watching the same advertisement. Mukesh said that when this advertisement was released in the theater, a person told him that he was with Amitabh Bachchan and Big B had said some things about Mukesh.
The person tells Mukesh that Amitabh Bachchan had said after looking at Mukesh Khanna, "Saala Copy Karta Hai’, if I were in his place, I would have done the same." Mukesh said to the person, "What has happened to you, why are you saying this?" Mukesh said that the media took this comment in such a way that it affected his career and his career got spoiled. According to Mukesh, such things should never be made public.
Mukesh said that once a journalist asked him this question whether Amitabh Bachchan really harmed his career. Mukesh immediately replied by denying it. Mukesh Khanna also said that he had talked to Amitabh Bachchan on a flight when he was returning to India from London. During this, Amitabh Bachchan had said that he liked characters like Mahabharata and Shaktimaan very much. To this Mukesh replied that he has done very few films because he had signed very few shows.