Today, on 14 January 2025, Hrithik Roshan's debut film 'Kaho Naa Pyar Hai' has completed 25 years. On this special occasion, the actor shared some notes written 27 years ago on social media, in which he recalled his early days. The film was released on 14 January 2000 and not only launched the careers of Hrithik and Ameesha Patel, but it is also considered one of the most successful films of Indian cinema.
While sharing those old notes, Hrithik also expressed his thoughts about his film journey. He wrote, "My 27-year-old notes… The nervousness I felt while shooting for 'Kaho Naa Pyar Hai' still remains. This happens when I start shooting for a new film. Looking at these notes, it seems that nothing has changed in 25 years. Whether it is good or bad, I don't know, but it is true." Hrithik further said that there is a lot he is grateful for in this journey, but there is still a lot left to do. He wrote, "Today is the 25th anniversary of 'Kaho Naa Pyar Hai'. I just want to show these old notes. The one thing that is relieving from these notes is patience. On the first page it was written, 'One day'... that day never came or maybe it came, but I wasted it just preparing."
Hrithik's fans were surprised to see these notes and they praised his hard work and dedication. A fan wrote, "It is amazing to see how much hard work you put in for this role and your debut film. Most people believe that you came on the set, looked handsome, spoke some dialogues and your father made everything easy, but this is not true! You have earned your success yourself." Another user wrote, "This is the preparation that made you a big star of Bollywood."
Talking about the film 'Kaho Naa Pyar Hai', it was released in 2000 and achieved great success at the box office. The songs of the film and Hrithik Roshan's dance had settled in the hearts of the audience at that time. This film also made a world record in terms of awards.