Veer Pahariya, Bollywood’s promising new lead actor of 2025, has already got audiences excited about his ‘Sky Force’ debut as gutsy Squadron Leader Ajjamada Boppayya Devayya of the Indian Air Force who got martyred in the 1965 Indo-Pak war after a gritty air battle against a Pakistani Air Force F-104 Starfighter, one of the fastest and most advanced jets of its time.
Ajjamada is a name synonymous with valor and has gone down in IAF’s history as a symbol of fearless dedication and patriotism. He was a soldier of extraordinary courage and Veer Pahariya considers himself to be lucky and blessed to have been selected to wear the wings and get into the flight suit of this legendary fighter pilot.
Reportedly, one of the first things young Veer did in his preparation for this role of a lifetime in the Bollywood war film directed by Abhishek Anil Kapur and Sandeep Kewlani, was to meet the family of the martyred IAF hero. In a touching gesture that won over the hearts of Indian cinegoers, Veer touched the feet of Ajjamada's wife and took her blessings.
The trailer of ‘Sky Force’, which has a patriotic Republic Day release, has already shown Veer to be an actor to look out for. His quiet demeanour in the presence of a senior and superstar co-star like Akshay Kumar speaks a lot for the respect and humility with which Veer has approached his first role in a big ticket Bollywood film. Audiences are already rooting for him.