Popular Bollywood singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya recently took a dig at Punjabi singers Diljit Dosanjh and Karan Aujla, saying that they only dance instead of singing in their concerts. He also said that his children will never pay for Diljit or Karan's show. Let's know what else the singer said.
In an interview to Zoom, Abhijeet said that he has been doing concerts since childhood. He said that legendary artists like Lata Mangeshkar also used to do such shows where the audience used to sit and get lost in every song.
Abhijeet said, "Even in my show, people sit and enjoy the performance and clap for me. This is called a concert. The ones we are talking about, i.e. Diljit and Karan do not sing, they only dance. Earlier superstars used to dance to my songs, now American stars also do the same." Abhijeet also said that the auditorium was always housefull in his show. Apart from this, he took a dig at Diljit and Karan and said, "If you don't know their name, does it mean that they are backward? I have kept their concert tickets at home. My children distribute them among others. My children will never pay for tickets for these shows."
Abhijeet further said, "I think what is trending today will be done by someone else tomorrow. Right now avocado is in trend, tomorrow it will be radish. If you give me avocado, I will not eat it. I don't want to be among them." In this way, Abhijeet Bhattacharya criticized the music style of Diljit and Karan by giving his clear opinion and expressed his views.