Rasha Thadani and Aaman Devgan are all set to make their Bollywood debut with Azaad, directed by Abhishek Kapoor. The film is set to hit the big screens this Friday, 17th January. Advance bookings are now open, and as part of a Cinema Lovers Day special, tickets are priced at just 99. The makers shared this exciting update on Instagram. The film also stars Ajay Devgn in a powerful role alongside Diana Penty.
On Wednesday, the makers announced that advance bookings for the film are now open. As a treat for audiences, they also revealed that tickets will be available at just 99, as the first day of Azaad’s release coincides with Cinema Lovers Day. Taking to Instagram, the makers wrote, “Book your tickets now and immerse yourself in a saga of unbreakable friendship and loyalty. #Azaad releasing in cinemas this Friday.”
Directed by Abhishek Kapoor, Azaad is an emotional journey that explores the profound bond between humans and animals. Produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Pragya Kapoor, the film is a tale of love, loyalty, and courage. It promises to touch hearts with its gripping storyline and cinematic brilliance.