The film 'Pathan', which was released on the occasion of Republic Day two years ago, started a trend of films earning Rs 500 crore or more at the box office of Hindi cinema. People have probably forgotten the villain of this film now. At the same time, the film 'The Diplomat', starring John Abraham in the lead role, initially had a chance to take advantage of this hype, as after the release of 'Pathan', John's film was to be released on 25 January 2023 with great expectations. But the promotion of John Abraham's film faded after the announcement of Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone's film at the last moment.
The film 'The Diplomat' was gathering dust in the warehouse of T-Series till now, but now the discussion has started again regarding the release of this film. John Abraham shared the poster of this film on his social media page on July 1, 2023. Apart from this, John's film 'Veda', which was released by director Nikkhil Advani on August 15, 2023, also failed at the box office. John's bad behavior with the media in the press conference also led to the negative image of the film.
After the flop of 'Veda', John is now trying to make a comeback for his films. The story of 'The Diplomat' is the opposite of 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan', in which Salman Khan goes to Pakistan and brings a daughter to India, while in 'The Diplomat' John's role is to bring a girl from Pakistan to India. The reason for the delay in the release of the film was said to be the failure of its OTT and satellite rights to be sold. In the last five years, none of John's films have been a hit at the box office, such as 'Mumbai Saga', 'Satyamev Jayate 2', 'Attack' and 'Veda'. Meanwhile, his produced films like 'Sardar Ka Grandson', 'Mike' and 'Tara vs Bilal' also failed at the domestic box office.
Now, there is no big star opposite John in 'The Diplomat', instead the heroine of the film is Sadiya Khatib from Kashmir, who was launched by director Vidhu Vinod Chopra in his film 'Shikara'. The positive aspect of this film is that it is written by writer Ritesh Shah and directed by Shivam Nair, the chief assistant of 'Special Ops' director Neeraj Pandey.