The credit for bringing the inspirational story of India's first Paralympic gold medalist Murlikant Petkar to the big screen goes to Sajid Nadiadwala. Producer of the film 'Chandu Champion', Sajid Nadiadwala has brought Murlikant's life journey alive on screen through this film. Recently, Murlikant Petkar was awarded the Arjuna Lifetime Award 52 years after his historic achievement, and on this occasion Murlikant expressed his happiness and also thanked Sajid Nadiadwala.
Expressing happiness on receiving the award, Murlikant Petkar said, "I am extremely overwhelmed to receive this prestigious Arjuna Lifetime Award. This honor is not just my personal achievement, but a symbol of the faith and collective efforts of those extraordinary people. I heartily thank Sajid Nadiadwala ji who believed in my story and put all his strength and resources to bring it to the big screen through the film 'Chandu Champion'." He further added, "Sajid ji's unwavering support means a lot to me. I would also like to thank Kabir Khan for authentically portraying my journey on the big screen and Kartik for presenting my story in a wonderful way. The credit for this moment is as much theirs as mine. I am grateful to the entire 'Chandu Champion' team for presenting my story of struggle and success as an inspiration across the country through this film."
When Murlikant Petkar was announced to receive the Arjuna Award, the film's lead actor Kartik Aaryan also expressed his happiness. He said, "I am very happy to hear this. When I was working on his biopic, I got to know and understand his life closely, and now his victory feels very personal to me. Murlikant sir's struggle and determination are unique. He fought bravely at every challenging turn of life." The film 'Chandu Champion' will present on screen the hardships of Murlikant Petkar's life and his extraordinary success, which will become a source of inspiration for every Indian.