Recently, a screening of filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma's famous gangster film 'Satya' was held before the film was re-released. During this screening, the cast of the film shared their memories related to the film. During this conversation, Urmila Matondkar's saree and her look were also discussed.
Urmila Matondkar said about the sarees worn in the film, "I remember, once I said something to Manish, due to which I was scolded. After films like 'Rangeela', in an interview Manish told me that you wore a very good saree. I told him why are you people so impressed by my looks and saree, I wore a saree worth only Rs 500. However, I said this jokingly." Urmila further said, "After this I got a call from Manish and he asked why was it necessary for you to say that the saree was worth only Rs 500." Urmila said that after this everything became normal and now she takes this incident in a laugh.
Urmila also mentioned a funny incident during this time. She said, "I was going to dinner with Shafali Shah and Manoj, there was light everywhere and there was a lot of bustle, people were setting up lights and cameras. Then I realized from their body language that this is a couple who have been married for 20 years." Gangster film 'Satya' is going to be released in theaters again on 17 January 2025. This film, which was first released in 1998, is still in the hearts of people with its story and memorable characters.