The question being asked in Bollywood circles is whether Veer Pahariya, who has a stylish personality that is quite unlike that of a young actor about to make his Bollywood debut, will carry off the role of the Indian Air Force fighter pilot who got martyred in the 1965 Indo-Pak war in ‘Sky Force’ that releases on January 24. spoke to trade insiders who are of the opinion that, yes, Veer Pahariya has what it takes to play this role with utmost conviction.
“With his lean, fit look and military haircut, Veer Pahariya embodies what it takes to be an officer in the Indian defence services,” said one who was very impressed by what he saw of the debutant actor in the ‘Sky Force’ trailer. “It is highly commendable that Veer Pahariya prepared himself for the role of the real life fighter pilot, Squadron Leader Ajjamada Bopayya Devayya, over three years by reading up whatever there was on this 1965 war hero and by also interacting with Ajjamada’s family.”
Another said, “If Tom Cruise could play the US Navy’s fighter pilot Lt. Pete Maverick Mitchell with such ease in ‘Top Gun’ despite not having done any action roles before the film’s release in 1986, why shouldn’t Veer Pahariya come out with flying colours in ‘Sky Force’? His acting is up to scratch, it is what was expected of him, and besides – he is flying into the war zone in the Abhishek Anil Kapur and Sandeep Kewlani directorial alongside an actor of gravitas like Akshay Kumar who is known to make newcomers, be they actors or directors, comfortable in his films.”
Veer Pahariya is not exactly a newbie in Bollywood. He began working in the film industry when he was just 17. “I explored everything because my end goal was always to be in front of the camera. I worked in production, direction, dubbing, rapping, writing songs, and learning music engineering. I’ve also done a lot of shows,” he has said. But he knows that getting a break in the industry is very difficult. “Especially if you don’t look like a typical hero. You know, like how they have that image? I know I look different, and that’s my strength.” It is this difference that is going to make the difference for Veer Pahariya in ‘Sky Force’ and audiences can’t wait for it to happen!