The police are investigating all aspects of the knife attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. According to an official, the Mumbai Police will reconstruct the crime scene at Saif Ali Khan's house in Bandra on Monday. The attacker stabbed Saif Ali Khan six times at his house. The actor has been admitted to Lilavati Hospital, but is now out of danger.
The accused in this incident has been arrested and questions are also being raised about his citizenship. Police say that the accused is 30-year-old Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad, who is allegedly a Bangladeshi citizen and had entered India illegally. The accused has been sent to five-day police custody. According to the official, as part of the investigation, the police will take Shahzad to Saif Ali Khan's house 'Satguru Sharan' and reconstruct the crime scene.
Police say that Shahzad entered Saif Ali Khan's house on January 16 with the intention of stealing. According to reports, the police are also investigating the case at the international level. It is being said that the weapons used in this crime will be recovered. Also, efforts are being made to find blood-stained clothes. The police are collecting all the evidence related to this case.