The film 'Dhoom Dham', which is adorned with love, laughter and wedding rituals, is now going to be released on OTT. The pair of Yami Gautam and Prateek Gandhi will be seen in this film. The film is directed by Rishabh Seth, while it is produced by Aditya Dhar and Lokesh Dhar. The film will be released on 14 February i.e. Valentine's Day.
The pair of Yami Gautam and Prateek Gandhi will be seen in the lead roles in the film. The story is of Koyal and Veer. Veer is the son of a mummy and an animal doctor, while Yami Gautam's character Koyal is of a bubbly girl. The teaser of the film has been released on Netflix today, in which a great mix of drama and comedy is seen in the love story of Koyal and Veer.
About the film, Aditya Dhar said that he wanted to make something different and entertaining, which has a good mix of laughter, romance and action. The pairing of Yami and Prateek in this film is going to be liked by the audience.Yami Gautam and Pratik Gandhi's film 'Dhoom Dham' is going to be released on Netflix. The film's director Ruchika Kapoor Sheikh said that 'Dhoom Dham' is a comedy drama film, which shows something different on the wedding day. Through this, we will be able to entertain our audience.
Netflix shared the poster of this film and wrote in the caption, "Don't DM us for a relationship, because we are going to get married with 'Dhoom Dham'." In the poster, Yami Gautam is seen in a traditional look wearing a chunri, in which it is written, "Looking for a groom! Koyal Chaddha (Mumbai). Marriageable age. Cultured, religious and housewife girl. Looking for a groom from a good family. If my dog likes you, consider the relationship confirmed."