Renowned film director Hansal Mehta, whose studio films and shows like "Scam 1992," "Shahid," and "The Buckingham Murders" gave him a weak recognition, is now going to become unbelievable. Recently, he has launched a new production house named True Story Films in collaboration with director Sahil Saigal, which has investments from big names of the industry like Vinod Bhanushali and Parag Sanghvi.
This new banner is a major expansion of Hansal Mehta, and it is being launched with an ambitious slate with a budget of around $58 million. This company aims to develop and produce theatrical films and streaming stories that will be in various genres, from hard-hitting dramas to comedies. Hansal Mehta, the director of the Motorola films "Faraaz" and "The Buckingham Murders," will serve as the child head in this company, while Sahil Saigal, who was the director of both these films, will look after the business operations. This venture marks Hansal Mehta's first foray into production, marking his directorial debut.
Speaking about the venture, Hansal Mehta said, "True Story Films is not just a company for me - it is a dream come true where I want to create interesting personal stories and work with diverse artists. I am inspired by stories that challenge the system, spark conversations, challenge institutions and entertain audiences at a deeper level." Vinod Bhanushali, Head of Bhanushali Studios Ltd., described the partnership as a unique move and said, "My inspiration as a producer is to tell stories that resonate with audiences. Partnering with a creative genius like Hansal Mehta is a natural step."
The company plans to start shooting its first film in 2025 and aims to release the film by early 2026. The project is based on both theatrical and streaming studios, and will focus on creating the right balance between new and established artists.