Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar recently expressed his views on the Indian film industry and the failure of films. He said that the success ratio of films is decreasing these days, due to which Indian cinema is facing difficulties. He shared his views on Akshay Kumar's upcoming film Sky Force.
In an interview, Akshay said, "OTT platforms have had a huge impact on Indian cinema. When I meet people, they often say that we will watch the film on OTT, this is the biggest problem." He believes that the influence of OTT platforms has increased even more after the Corona epidemic, because now people have got used to watching content comfortably at home instead of theaters.
While talking to Forbes India, Akshay Kumar also said that Corona has affected the film industry and now we need films that attract audiences to theaters. He said, "Films should be such that they are worth watching on the big screen and attract the audience." Akshay also admitted that he has become more cautious about the subject of the film now.
His upcoming film Sky Force is based on the counter attack by the Indian Air Force on Pakistan's Sargodha air base during the 1965 Indo-Pak war. The film is going to release in theaters on January 24, in which Nimrat Kaur and Sara Ali Khan will also be seen in important roles. The film is directed by Abhishek Anil Kapoor and Sandeep Kewlani. Akshay Kumar says that now films should not be made as just a simple entertainer, but to show something special to the audience on the big screen.