Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone and Shahid Kapoor's blockbuster film Padmaavat is going to be released in theaters once again. This film will be shown on the big screen again after seven years, and there is a lot of excitement among the fans for this. The audience is very excited to see the grandeur of this historical film, the story of Rani Padmaavati's Jauhar and its amazing acting again.
Viacom 18 Studios and Bhansali Productions shared a post on their Instagram handle today, informing about the re-release of the film and also shared the poster of the film. The post shows scenes of Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone and Shahid Kapoor, who represent the lead characters of the film. This post will provide the audience with a chance to watch Padmaavat in theaters again on 24 January 2025.
Fans have expressed their excitement on social media over the re-release of the film. Many fans gave their reactions below this post and some even demanded the re-release of films like Devdas and Bajirao Mastani. One fan wrote, "I can't understand how I will be able to see Padmaavat in the theatres again." At the same time, some other fans also expressed their wish to see the entire star cast reunite.
Seven years ago, there were many political controversies and protests regarding the film Padmavat, especially the protests against it by the Karni Sena. There was also a controversy over the name of the film, due to which its release was postponed several times. But finally the film was released in theatres on 25 January 2018 and since then it has made a special place in the hearts of the audience. Now, fans are very excited to see it again on the big screen.