Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar is all set to entertain the audience this year through his upcoming film 'Sky Force'. The film is going to release on 24 January 2025. Before Republic Day, Akshay Kumar does not want to leave any stone unturned to fill the hearts of the fans with patriotism through this film. Advance booking of 'Sky Force' has started. Let's know how many tickets have been sold before the release of the film and how much the makers have earned so far.
Directed by Sandeep Kevlani and Abhishek Anil Kapoor, 'Sky Force' will feature Akshay Kumar as well as Veer Pahariya, Sara Ali Khan and Nimrat Kaur in important roles. The film is based on real events, which has given it a good start in advance booking. According to Sacnilk's report, 'Sky Force' has already sold 13460 tickets with 3342 shows.
The advance booking of the film got off to a great start in just a few hours. So far, the makers have earned more than the expected figures and figures are expected to increase further. Now one day is left for the release of the film, so there is a possibility of an increase in ticket sales. Apart from this, the producer can earn a lot more before the release.
Now it remains to be seen what wonders this film of Akshay Kumar shows on the opening day. The film 'Sky Force' is based on the 1965 India-Pakistan air war and the Indian Air Force's counterattack on Pakistan's Sargodha airfield. It will show the story of Air Force Squadron Leader Azzamada Boppaya Devaiah.