Shahid Kapoor recently went live on his social media platform to express heartfelt gratitude to his fans for the phenomenal response to his latest projects. Kapoor’s Marathi rap song "Marzi Cha Malik" and the high-energy track "Bhasad Macha" have both struck a chord with audiences, further solidifying his versatile appeal. Additionally, the trailer of Deva has garnered tremendous admiration, amplifying the excitement among his fans.
During the live session, Shahid looked visibly moved as he spoke about the overwhelming love and appreciation pouring in from all corners. The makers of Deva recently launched the Marathi rap song from the film Marzi Cha Malik on high public demand. The song which was played in the background for every Deva poster and in the trailer has been unveiled after fans couldn’t wait to hear the full version of the song. The song has been praised for its catchy beats and Shahid’s effortless portrayal of raw intensity.
Meanwhile, "Bhasad Macha" has become a crowd favorite, with its electrifying vibe resonating strongly with fans. The first song released from the album received love from the audience and has already hit the chartbusters.
Directed by acclaimed Malayalam filmmaker Rosshan Andrrews and produced by Zee Studios and Roy Kapur Films, Deva is an electrifying and explosive action thriller set to release on January 31, 2025.