Akshay Kumar's first film of 2025 'Sky Force' has now been released in theaters. Veer Pahariya has made his Bollywood debut with this film. The film had garnered a lot of buzz even before its release and now that it has hit the theaters, it is interesting to know how much the film has earned on the first day.
'Sky Force' had a lot of expectations at the time of its release. The film is based on the true incident of the disappearance of a squadron leader during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. Released on the occasion of Republic Day, the film has received a good response from the audience on the first day. The story of the film and the acting of Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya along with Sara Ali Khan are being praised a lot.
Now let's talk about the first day earnings of the film. According to the initial figures, 'Sky Force' has earned a brilliant 15.30 crore on the first day. These figures have been released by sacnilk and reflect the tremendous opening of the film. The positive reviews and word-of-mouth that the film is getting shows that the audience is liking the film and its earnings can see a steady increase.
It is expected that the film's earnings will increase even more during the weekend and it will prove to be a big hit. The film has made a great start on the very first day and now it remains to be seen to what extent 'Sky Force' dominates the box office.