It has taken just one day for Veer Pahariya to become an overnight star. The young actor, who impressively made his Bollywood debut yesterday in ‘Sky Force’, has critics and audiences singing his praises. Veer’s portrayal of the gutsy Indian Air Force Squadron Leader Ajjamada Bopayya Devayya who was martyred in the 1965 Indo-Pak War, has added gravitas to what was a true story that directors Abhishek Anil Kapur and Sandeep Kewlani boldly recreated on celluloid. For Veer, ‘Sky Force’ is not just a career launch and stepping stone to stardom, but a tribute to storytelling. The tributes flowing in have made him determined to look for authenticity and relevance in any work he accepts in the future. “That is what the audiences want,” he says.
Lady Luck has smiled favourably on Veer’s first film. He considers himself fortunate to have been in the roll call of Jio Studios-Maddox Films’ effort to take one lost and forgotten martyr of the 1965 war and make him a national hero overnight. Critics have been handsome in their praise of Veer’s acting. One reviewer, describing his authentic and nuanced performance, said that Veer’s portrayal of the ace fighter pilot who changed history for India in the 1965 war against Pakistan added depth to the narrative with his display of youthful defiance and tragic sacrifice.
But Veer, while grateful for the praise, is not going to let the spotlight he finds himself in change his perspective of what his craft is all about. Wisely he says, “Success isn’t just about reaching the top. It’s about the journey, the stories you tell, and the impact you leave behind.” The experience of working in ‘Sky Force’ alongside a Bollywood great like Akshay Kumar and navigating the pressures of a high-stakes debut such as his, has taught Veer about resilience and the value of collaboration. The film has undoubtedly established Veer Pahariya as a rising star. The number of fans the young actor has gained is phenomenal. All are waiting to see what he does next.