After the trailer of Vicky Kaushal and Rashmika Mandanna's upcoming film 'Chhaava' rocked the internet, now the new song 'Jaane Tu' of the film is also going to be released. This song is going to be released on 31 January 2025, and this is going to increase the curiosity of the audience about the film even more.
'Chhava' is a historical action-thriller film based on the life of the great warrior of the Maratha Empire Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj and his wife Yesubai Bhosale. The film is directed by Laxman Utekar, and it is produced by Dinesh Vijan. The story of the film is not only about struggle and courage, but it also has a deep contribution of love and relationships, which is shown well through the song 'Jaane Tu'.
The song 'Jaane Tu' is composed by music legend A.R. Rahman, whose tunes always touch the hearts. This song is sung by famous singer Arijit Singh, and its lyrics are written by Irshad Kamil. Both the melody and lyrics of the song perfectly express the historical and emotional aspect of the film. The song depicts the deep emotions of the love affair between Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj and Yesubai, which is an important part of the central story of the film.
Jaane Tu is not just a romantic song, but it is a great attempt to deeply take the main themes of the film history, struggle and love deep into the hearts of the audience. Arijit's voice along with Rahman's music has made the song even more emotional, giving this song a special experience to the audience.
With this song, the anticipation of 'Chhava' is going to increase even more. The cinematography, music and acting of the film have already won the hearts of the audience. After the release of the song 'Jaane Tu', a new wave will be seen about the film. If you too want to listen to the song of this historical love story, then definitely listen to it on January 31 and watch the film 'Chhava' in theaters on February 14, 2025.