Dharma Productions and Sikhya Entertainment's film "Kill" has been nominated in two categories at the 2025 Vulture Annual Stunt Awards. The film has been nominated for "Best Fight" between Lakshya and Raghav and "Best Overall Action Film". "Kill" is proving to be a milestone in Indian cinema as it is the first time that an Indian film has been nominated at these awards.
The story of "Kill" is based on an army commando who boards a train to rescue Tulika, played by Tanya Manikatla. During this struggle, the climax of the film turns into a dangerous and bloody battle where Lakshya's character fights his enemies. The action and war scenes in the film are so spectacular that they have touched new heights in Indian cinema. "Kill" has mesmerized not only the Indian audience but also the international audience with its creativity and excellent technical quality. The film has been appreciated not only in India but also at international film festivals. "Kill" not only became a domestic box office success but also received international acclaim. This film has given a new identity to Indian cinema and given it a new direction on the global stage.
This nomination proves that Indian cinema is now establishing its strength and creativity not only in the country but also abroad. "Kill" has proved that Indian films can make their mark all over the world with their quality and ideology. With this film, Indian cinema has created a new identity for itself on the global stage.