Yami Gautam is in the headlines these days for her upcoming film 'Dhoom Dham'. The first song of this film 'Silsila' has been released recently, which has become a hit among the audience. The song has been sung by Arijit Singh and Jonita Gandhi, and its lyrics have been written by Siddhant Kaushal.
In the song, the pair of Pratik Gandhi and Yami Gautam are seen together on screen for the first time. The tremendous chemistry of both is seen in this song, which is mesmerizing the audience. The lyrics of the song tell a wonderful romantic story, where Koyal (Yami Gautam) and Veer (Pratik Gandhi) come closer to each other amidst unexpected adventures.
The lyrics of the song have been written by Siddhant Kaushal in a very precise and heart-touching manner. His writing beautifully expresses the emotions of the song, where the complexities of love and relationships have been presented in a simple way. Siddhant's writing has a deep feeling and freshness, which makes the musical flow of the song even more lovely.
The music of 'Silsila' is given by Noor Police, and the voices of Arijit and Jonita bring life to this song. Every note of the song expresses the emotions of the story without any interruption. The film 'Dhoom Dhaam' is set to release on Netflix on February 14, 2025.