Deepshikha Deshmukh, who started her journey as a producer in 2016, has backed several impactful films. Coming from a filmy family, Deepshikha has always taken ‘being Vashu Bhagnani’s’ daughter as a responsibility & not privilege. In PeepingMoon’s Entertainment Correspondent Rashita Sahni’s Women’s Day special segment ‘ExtraordiNARI’, Deepshikha takes us through her journey as a producer who is here to bring in a change, managing family & work like a pro, starting her own skincare line ‘Love Organically’ for a special cause & making her own identity despite coming from a renowned filmy family!
Talking about sharing the load with her husband Dhiraj Deshmukh, the producer-entrepreneur said, "I am very lucky to be married to my best friend. Dhiraj and I believe in sharing the load. He is a very progressive thinker. He always wanted me (to work). Like I said when I decided whether I should take this film up or not - my daughter was just 6-months-old and my son was just one-and-a-half-years-old so how am I gonna make it work. He was like 'don't worry, I am here. I will take care of it. This is a great opportunity and you must take it up.'"
She added, "There are times when I need to be away at work so he chips in, my mother-in-law comes in, my mom as well. So I have a great support system at home.
Yes, there's a lot of taboo but women are natural multi-taskers, I'd say. I am sure I am speaking on behalf of every woman, like I just feel men can't do half the work we do.