The third film of the Aashiqui franchise, which is known for its heartwarming romantic stories, titled 'Aashiqui 3', was in the news for a long time, and Tripti Dimri was signed as the lead actress in the film. But now Peeping Moon has exclusively confirmed that Tripti Dimri has been removed from the film, as the makers felt that her image did not match the needs of the film's innocence and pure love.
According to sources, the makers of the film have removed Tripti Dimri from the film saying that she does not meet the standards of the main requirement of the project - 'innocence'. The source said, "One of the key qualities sought for Aashiqui 3 was innocence and purity. Tripti Dimri’s recent films have created a different image, which does not match with the romantic and pure mood of the film."
The source also added, "The actresses in the previous parts of Aashiqui had a certain kind of innocence and simplicity - be it Anu Kapoor or Shraddha Kapoor. Tripti's recent films do not reflect that kind of image, and hence she was not considered suitable for the lead role of the film." Moreover, Tripti's recent films have not performed as per expectations at the box office, and this could also be a part of this decision.
Now the makers are looking for a new face, who suits the requirements of this film. 'Aashiqui 3' now needs an actress who can not only touch hearts with her acting, but her innocence and purity will also take the audience to a new romantic world. This change is pointing towards a new direction and a new face for the future of the film. Now all eyes are on which actress will shine on the screen as the new face of 'Aashiqui 3'.