
Powerful Quotes from The Star Wars Films to save you from the Dark Side

41 years, a series of comics, 9 films and 7 televisions shows later, fans rejoice today as we celebrate the International Star Wars day. Probably, the only fandom to have three generations already and it is growing with every passing day. Now, for the uninitiated, Star Wars is a space opera film series created by George Lucas’ banner Lucas Films.

The first of all the trilogy even today remains the most emotional one. Starring Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa and Harrison Ford as Han Solo, the world was introduced to what has come to be best in the genre of Space Odyssey. Star Wars is a tale of triumph, of good over evil. The rebellion alliances, headed by Leia, are fighting against the galactic empire. The trilogy consists of Episode 4: A New Hope, Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back and Episode 6: Return of the Jedi. With its quirky and witty characters and droids like C-3PO and ArTwo, Star Wars set new standards for films to follow.


The second trilogy, better known as Anakin Skywalker trilogy, starring Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman, packs the most important films in the entire Star Wars narrative. Mainly because it marks the beginning of the Star-Wars story. These films show the journey of young Anakin who finds his faith in the force and becomes one with it. But later, turns to the dark side, giving birth to the biggest and the most loved villain of all times –Darth Vader.

The films Episode 7: The Force Awaken and Episode 8: The Last Jedi mark the third and the final trilogy (of which only two films have been released yet), which revolves around a new character named Rey. Here within, amongst the many difficulties that she is faced with, bringing Kylo Ben back from the dark side is inclusive too. She believes this is possible because there is still good left in him. She is trained by the last surving Jedi, Luke Skywalker, and the rebellion now depends on her force.

On the occasion of International Star Wars Day, here are few of the many motivating quotes from the series that will surely uplift you and save you from crossing over to the dark side.

"Do or Do not. There is no try"

-Jedi Master Yoda

"In my experience, there is no such thing as luck"

-Obi-Wan Kenobi

"I find your lack of faith disturbing"

-Darth Vader

"Your eyes can deceive you. Do not trust them"

-Obi-Wan Kenobi

"Never tell me the odds"

-Han Solo

"Pass on what you have learnt"

-Jedi Master Yoda

"Rebellions are built on hope"

-Princess Leia Organa

"Hope is like the sun. If you only believe in it when you see it, you'll never be able to make it through the night"

-Vice Admiral Holdo

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you."

-Jedi Master Yoda

"I am one with the force. The force is one with me"

-Chirrut Îmwe

"Hope is not lost today... it is found"

-Princess Leia Organa

And now... of course... May the force be with you

