Kangana Ranaut got clicked at the Mumbai airport as she came back after attending an event in Delhi. The talented actress looked stunning draped in a black dress. Check out the photos below:
Kangana was in Delhi for a global sub-forum of 2nd XIN philanthropy conference.
Meanwhile, at the work front, Kangana is currently busy with Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi for which she has also taken up the reins of direction from the original director Krish. The film has been grappling with many controversies, the most recent being Sonu Sood’s exit and Kangana’s taking up the mantle of direction. Reportedly, the producers of the film didn't like its rough cut that was shot by Krish and gave Kangana an option to reshoot major parts of the film.
Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi is slated to release on January 25, 2019.