Ever since Karan Johar announced his upcoming film Takht, we have been desperately waiting to catch hold of a glimpse of its stellar cast together. Takht co-stars Alia Bhatt, Ranveer Singh, and Vicky Kaushal were clicked by our shutterbugs in the city and we just can't stop feeling excited for the movie to release.
Alia and Ranveer have been swiftly travelling from one place to another for the promotions of their upcoming film Gully Boy. The two of them were seen at a promotional event in town. For the event, Alia wore a teal blue shimmery dress and Ranveer appeared in a multicolored jacket, green pants, and white tee.
Basking in commercial success and critical acclaim for Uri, Vicky is the new super rockstar in town. Vicky marked his presence at a brand promotion event and oh boy, we can't stop fangirling on him. Looking fashionably elegant and handsome, Vicky paired a tee with a light blue jacket and white pant.
Gorgeous looking people, hai naa?