Madhuri Dixit was recently clicked on the stage of a singing reality Rising Star 2. Madhuri lit up the stage with her graceful performance and left every spectator spellbound. Draping a red saree, Madhuri looked like an enchantress as she swayed and twirled while dancing. Madhuri posed with the judges of the show Shankar Mahadevan, Diljit Dosanjh and Neeti Mohan along with the host Aditya Narayan.
On the other hand, the ever elegant Rekha made an entry on Shilpa Shetty-Geeta Kapur-Anurag Basu judged Super Dancer 3 on Monday. With Rekha in the house, how can she not step up on the stage and serenade the audience with her mesmerising dance performance? Rekha was seen dancing with one of the girl contestants and posed for adorable pictures with Shilpa, Geeta and Anurag.
Source: Viral Bhayani/PeepingMoon