Actor Jaccky Bhagnani, after taking a long sabbatical from films, is back at business but this time, with music. Jaccky has now ventured into his own music label named JJust Music and in order to celebrate the occasion, called for a party on Monday evening. In presence at the party were Sonakshi Sinha, Ayushmann Khurrana, Tahira Kashyap and Varun Sharma. Jaccky looked dapper in simple tee and pants.
Sonakshi, for the event, went gorgeous in black as she posed with her Khandaani Shafakhana co-star Varun Sharma.
B-Town's favourite couple Ayushmann-Tahira posed for the lens together. For the launch, Ayushmann and Tahira went easy on their outfits.
Sophie Choudry and Zaheer Iqbal also attended the bash.
(Source: Viral Bhayani)