On Thursday, the city bid adieu to their beloved Lord Ganpati on the occasion of Anant Chaturthi. While idols from across all corners of Mumbai were taken to beaches for visarjan, celebrities with 11-days Ganpati at home, ended the festivities on an enthusiastic note with the hope to welcome the Lord of Wisdom early next year. Similarly, the Jains- Rima, Armaan and Aadar, bid adieu to Ganpati Bappa with enthusiasm. Actors Armaan and Aadar, during the visarjan procession, danced their hearts out with their mother and maternal uncle Rajiv Kapoor. For the unversed, Armaan and Aadar are actors Karisma Kapoor's, Ranbir Kapoor's and Kareena Kapoor Khan's cousin. Anissa Malhotra, who is engaged to Armaan, also participated in the visarjan.
Rima, sister of Rishi Kapoor, Randhir Kapoor and Rajiv, performed the final pooja while her sons carried the idol.
The Kapoors, known to host Ganpati celebrations with grandeur, stayed away from the festivities after RK Studios was sold off last year in September. However, Kareena and Karisma joined their aunt for the celebrations a few days ago with their children Taimur and Kiaan.
(Source: Manav Manglani)